

The Board of Thornton Road Community Centre (TRCCA) is delighted to announce that, with funding support from Falck Renewables (Auchrobert Wind Farm Community Fund, administered by Foundation Scotland), South Lanarkshire Council's Renewable Energy Fund, together with a contribution from our own funds, we have now purchased the property for the good of our community.

The completion date of the purchase was 8th June 2018 and this means that the building will be guaranteed to remain as a public facility for the benefit of the residents of Kirkmuirhill, Blackwood and surrounding area.


Gallery - see below


Our Journey:

In 2012, the Council announced at a meeting of Blackwood & Kirkmuirhill Co-ordination Group that, ‘If no one takes on this building (which was previously called the ‘Target Centre’ and had been unused for 2/3 years), they would give up their lease, which expires in August 2018’. If that had happened, the building would probably have become another shop and the public facility would be lost to the village community.

In 2013, eight local volunteers stepped forward, formed a committee, and TRCCA was born as an inclusive organisation without any political or religious affiliation. Other volunteers from the community also help with events. 

Funding from Land Trust in 2014 enabled us to refurbish the building to make it fit for purpose as an inclusive facility for all ages in the community. Volunteer staff from Cemex and Scottish Gas Network upgraded our garden and driveway. In 2014, the committee became a Scottish Charity and, in 2015, the Board took on a Sub-Lease from the Council and began negotiations with the owner to purchase the property before the leases expire.


Our Future:

The job of the Board is to develop, and manage the use of, the Centre and we are always looking for individuals, groups or organisations to hire the premises for the purpose of providing activities for local residents. Over the last six years a wide range of activities has taken place for people of all ages such as the Over 60s Club, Line Dancing classes, Cafes, Youth Club, Pre 5s Group, Film Nights and Gaelic classes. The Centre is also used as a base for Village Clean-up days, Gala Day Committee meetings and Disco, local Councillors’ and MSP’s advice surgeries, and as a meeting place for a wide range of organisations and groups.

We have recently started to run Exercise classes for older people as well as Tai Chi classes, and Tai Chi classes. In 2017, we began working with South Lanarkshire Council about the idea of creating a Men's Shed which, we are delighted to say, came to fruition on 7th May 2019.

The cost of running the Centre is high and has to be recovered mainly from hire charges. A council grant has so far been received each year and this has always been applied to pay the rent. Now that TRCCA have become the owners, the rent will cease but the council grant cannot be guaranteed to continue in future due to increasing levels of local authority cutbacks.


Board of Trustees:

There are currently eight Board members (as shown below). All of us live in, or come from, Kirkmuirhill or Blackwood.



We invite local residents to become members of the Association. For a small annual fee of £5, members are encouraged to contribute ideas and help out when required, as well as being able to have voting rights at an EGM or AGM.


Celebratory Open day:

Jointly with Kirkmuirhill and Blackwood Men's Shed, we plan to hold an Open Day at the Centre at the end of July 2019 to celebrate the setting up of the Men's Shed for the benefit of older men in the area. 



If you are community-minded  – and surely we all are to some extent – and would like to help in some way – whether it be running an activity, helping with activities, or administration, please get in touch with us using the contact details shown below. You would be most welcome to join the challenges and the fun! 


Board Members:

Dennis White, Chairperson, 0777 597 4982

George Buckley, Vice Chairperson, 0744 339 7400

Bill Dewar Secretary 01555 893 123

Jean Kyle, Treasurer, 0789 503 0128

Jim Troup, 0797 133 5276

Ellen Loudon, 07561 811 809

Evy Watson, 0750 689 9326





Jean Kyle's Over 60s Club at the Proms - having furn with a wee advert for our new bin bank! For older people who perhaps don't get out the house much, or want to meet people and have fun, the Over 60s Club is the place to be!
Falck Renewables (Auchrobert Wind Farm) kindly donated money to enable us to buy this recycling bin bank.
Brilliant Coalburn Silver Band playing at one of our Xmas Fayres.
Hussle and bussle at the Fayre.
Public Talk on the Excavation of Black Hill Bronze Age Burial Cairn and Iron Age Fort.
Cafe Latte Time!
The XBox Factor at the Youth Club.
Stocked up in the kitchen!
Service with a smile!
The Thornton Twinklers Line Dancers ready for action!
The Thornton Twinklers Line Dancing class in action!
St Andrews Day at the Over 60s Club.
The Easter Bunny hops into the Over 60s Club.
Click for Map
South Lanarkshire CouncilProvided funding which we have applied to the rent over the years, and for part-funding of the purchase of the Centre - 2018.
Scottish Gas NetworkFor Weeding the garden, laying the block path and painting the fences.
Second Chance For agreeing, in principle at this stage, to fund IT equipment for Skype/Facetime tuition for older people.
Patersons Quarries LtdProvided funding via Land Trust for major refurbishment of Centre - 2014.
Land TrustAdministered funding from Patersons Quarries - 2014.
Develping Local Communities FundProvided funding for Xbox equipment for the Youth Clubs
CemexRe-laid driveway with block paving and stones.
Bord na GaidhligFor funding to allow TRCCA to run Gaelic classes for Beginners
Auchrobert Wind Farm (Falck Renewables)For match-funding the purchase of the Community Centre and Exercise Classes for older people, and for providing us with efficient recycling bin banks.
Auchrobert Wind Farm is helping to breathe new life into the local community by way of its Community Fund, for the benefit of all. 2017/8
Lesmahagow Development TrustFor funding a wall-mounted, remote-controlled projector screen - 2017.
Robertson Trust
Scottish Land Fund
Tesco Bags
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